What is interesting about Gorillas?
Gorillas are the most gentle, intelligent and greatest primate in the world. In East Africa, Gorillas can be tracked in Bwindi Impenetrable National park, Mgahinga National Park (Uganda), Volcanoes National Park (Rwanda), Virunga National park (Democratic Republic of Congo) among others.
Gorillas have similar DNA with human being about 98-99% the same- No other animal in the world has that similarity.
Like human beings, Gorillas form families which are headed by the dominant male Gorilla called Silverback. Each Gorilla group has members who can recognize each other and in case one Gorilla is attached, others can help to defend.
Gorillas bear offspring whom they nurture to face future challenges in life just like human being. Mother gorillas will continue to carry their offspring for about 2.5 years even though they are able to walk when they are 8 months old.
Like human being, Gorillas are capable of walking upright on their two feet. This makes Gorilla trekking so amazing- A human being meets a close friend.
Gorillas have five fingers just like human being. Each gorilla has unique thumb from others. Meeting animal similar to human being is some thing exciting.
They are able to see in color. All of their senses are very highly developed. Gorillas develop the sense of feeling, smelling, touching, seeing and testing which make them unique.
Gorillas hold items with both their hands and feet.
They are mobile animals, moving in search of food at the command of the leader known as silverback. They may only move a short distance each day or they can travel several miles depending on what the food sources available happen to be.
The mortality rate for gorillas is about 40% during the first two years of life. They are often killed due to injuries, becoming orphaned, or various types of illnesses that can rapidly spread through the troop.
The grooming process is one that is very calming for gorillas, and they can go into a trance like state during it for hours and hours.
In spite of many similar characteristic with human being, Gorillas are vegetarians- they do not each meat.
Every gorilla has a unique fingerprint just like humans. Not even having similar fingerprint like their off springs.
Gorillas mourn in case one member is dead. They gather together in sad mood to reflect on life after death just like human beings.
They hate noise and can be upset if human being tries to challenge it in one way or another. Therefore, human beings are advised to bow down if they realize that the gorillas are annoyed to overcome danger.
Orphaned your Gorillas are cared for by the mature Gorillas just like human being, if a parent die, the children are shared amongst the relatives.
Gorillas move every day for food and for exploration. They never sleep in the same place two nights in a row! They move while searching for food though they move distances according to the availability of food.
If the source of food is near, they move short distances however, if food is in distant locality, they have to move long distances.