More Employment Opportunities in Ngororero New Tea Factory
According to the Ngororero District administration and National Agriculture Export Board (NAEB), there going to be more employment opportunities after the construction of the new Nyabipfubira tea factory in Sovu sector.
The District Mayor Gideon Rubonezara and NAEB acting Director General Colnelle Ntakirutimana revealed that, the factory is set to create more employment opportunities to Ngororero residents and its neighborhood. This was revealed by the leaders to residents of Sovu Sector during their Visit in the area on November 19th 2013.
The visit was meant to explain the purpose and importance of this new tea factory set to be built in Sovu after some residents complained about being shifted from the construction area. Some residents were complaining based on the fact that they had crop fields in the area but were not compensated during the construction of this new factory. As we all know that, where there is an advantage, there is always a disadvantage! Despite the fact that residents lost their property and they have not yet been compensated, they are going to benefit through employment in the factory.
The mayor explained to the residents that the factory is meant to improve economic condition of the country and providing jobs for the residents. Therefore, they should understand that this factory will help them raise their standards of living. Finally, mayor Ruboneza stressed that sensitization will continue to make residents change negative attitude and embrace the perception since it’s in their interest as citizens.