Black and white colobus monkeys
These large monkeys have a black face surrounded by short white fur, a black body and a U-shape of long white hair that hangs like a cape from the shoulders and back. They also have a long black and white tail.
Colobus monkeys are primates species in Uganda and spend most of the time in the branches, rarely touching the ground. They try to dodge dangerous animals which can attack them at any time that s why they live in tree branches.
Colobus monkeys feed on fruits, seeds, flowers, bark, leaves among others. Black and white colobus make their home high in the trees of a variety of tropical African forests. Black and white colobus monkeys spend their days eating, relaxing, and socializing with each other, generally without squabbling. Males defend their group and its territory from others with roars, tongue-clicks, chases, and an unusual stiff-legged display.
Because individual family groups need only a small patch of forest, black and white colobus can coexist near people when clusters of trees remain intact. In some areas of tropical Africa, these small forest fragments are disappearing rapidly, however.
Black and white colobus monkeys are found in forests in central Africa, from Nigeria to Uganda.
They live in family groups of up to 20 animals; these usually have one male, several females and their young. Black and white colobus monkeys usually have one baby at a time and they are covered in white fur when born.