Nyamagabe community embarks on enforcing terracing to rejuvenate land
Rwanda is also known as a country of a thousand hill! It is a land locked country found in east Africa and its land scape is characterized by many majestic hills. When you visit Rwanda, you will be welcomed by these beautiful majestic Hills. Soil erosion affects the area and affects the productivity of the land. Land Husbandry, Water Harvesting and Hillside Irrigation Project (LWH) through the Rural Sector Support Project (RSSP) is very important in livelihoods of communities in Nyamagabe district in making productive terraces in Kibilizi sector.
The major target for Rural Sector Support Project (RSSP) is to revitalize the rural economy and improve in standards of living of all people through increased transfer of technical financial resources for the sustainable rural development.
Some local people leaving in Kibilizi sector of Nyamagabe district where this program started revealed that their land was affected by soil erosion during heavy rains and was no longer giving good yields; they have all their hope in this program to revitalize their land.
According to Oswaldi Munyensaga, a local resident / farmer in Kibilizi, with the topography of their area, they were always affected by soil erosion but with such new kinds of terraces, they are sure erosion will be controlled and fertilizers put in the soil will last and make it productive. This is a poverty eradication strategy through increasing crop production.
LWH/RSSP is employing local residents of the area in digging these terraces to control soil erosion and give good yields. Each person is paid Rwf1000 daily for the work done. The program has been running for the last 2 months.